Stop Giving! (Exodus 35-36)

The devotionals for this week are centered on the theme of submission. Each one will cause you to think about a different element of our need to submit to God's will and authority in our life.

I have yet to meet a church that has more money and resources than it can put to use. However, that is exactly what we see take place today. God’s people give above and beyond what is needed to build the tabernacle.

Now, my intent with today’s devotional is not to go off on the importance of giving, but I do want to note something interesting in Ex. 35:20-22. What most catches my attention isn’t what they brought or even how much they brought, but rather how they brought it. Everyone whose hearts were willing brought what they could. I think it is safe to say that not every Israelite gave to the building of the tabernacle, rather only those whose “hearts were stirred and desired to do so” gave their offerings.

This is how it is to work in our own lives. God doesn’t want us to give out of compulsion or obligation. If that is why you give then you should keep your money. Look at Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11. They gave out of a wrong motive and were dishonest in their giving. May you give as the Israelites gave, with willing hearts.