Omnipotence (Job 36:22-37:24)

The devotionals this week will center around the theme of God's power. God's infinite power is a truth that while difficult to understand at times is one that gives us great hope as well.

Elihu makes the statement in 36:22 that God is all powerful. Theologians refer to this as omnipotence, which is the teaching that God has the power to accomplish all that He wills to do. Elihu also gives us two key applications of this truth.
The first is that God doesn’t need us to instruct Him in what to do or how to do something (36:23). In fact, God doesn’t need us at all. He is perfect in His existence. Are you like me? Have you ever found yourself trying to instruct God in how to accomplish something? A better way is to receive instruction and direction from an all-powerful God.

The second application is that we should have a response of joy to God’s omnipotence (37:1). Have you ever wanted to do something, but were powerless to accomplish it? God never experiences that. How hopeless would our lives be if God were powerless to accomplish His desires.

May you, like Elihu, find joy in knowing that God has the power to fulfill His good purposes in your life.