Rick Warren's Inaugural Invocation

Christianity Today just posted a transcript of Rick Warren's invocation from today's inaugural address. You can read the transcript here .

For those of you who didn't watch the inauguration this morning it was a truly great prayer. One of sincerity and truth. I loved how Pastor Rick weaved in his personal testimony at the end. Not that he needed to add more about how Jesus changed his life, but the fact that he mentioned that Jesus changed his life and prayed in the name of Jesus means all the world to me.


Dave Miller said...

From Oaxaca. Mexico, truly a great day!

Diana said...

It was a great day. I preferred Rev. Dr. Lowery's benediction to the invocation, but Warren did fine. Considering the reservations about Warren, and the fact the Obama did sort of let his strongest base down by inviting Warren to give the invocation, it went over really well and I was impressed by Obama's willingness to pick someone who was never going to be politically expedient.