God's Grace in Ruth

This morning I am re-reading the story of Ruth in the Old Testament to prepare for my sermon this Sunday. I absolutely love this story.

As I read it again this morning I am struck again by the lavish grace that Boaz pours out on Ruth and Naomi. Boaz goes way beyond any requirements of the law for providing for the widows. He goes beyond the requirements of the kinsman redeemer in that he actively seeks out the one with the right of redemption.

Boaz' interaction with Ruth and Naomi is a wonderful illustration of how our heavenly father interacts with us. Boaz initiated the relationship, he extended grace through his provision and generosity, and he secured their redemption through a sacrifice.

What a beautiful picture of the great salvation that we have in Jesus Christ.


Anonymous said...

the real ?? is are you ready for 9 months of the year dedicated entirly to rain rain rain?? were glad to have another young coupple on the peninsula, have a good time house hunting.

Pastor David Curtis said...

I would gladly take nine months of rain over the 6-8 months of snow that we had in Eastern Oregon (No disrespect to my peeps in Burns, I love you guys, but man is it cold there).