Political Power? (Job 42:1-17)

We are in the middle of a presidential political campaign year, and I don’t know about you, but I have become a bit of a political cynic. Every candidate promises to have the solutions to all the problems we face, but once their term is up, the problems remain. I am so thankful that God’s power is not a political power. God was not elected to His position and His power is not subject to anyone else.

As you read the closing chapter of Job today, you noticed that God chose to bless Job. God did not have to defend that decision to anyone. He didn’t have to get the approval of the House or the Senate. God’s promises are not like those of a politician. Because of God’s power, we know that every last one of his promises will come true. Do you trust in God’s promises? What about God’s power? Do you believe that God has the power to accomplish whatever he desires? We must first believe in the power of God before we can trust in His promises; otherwise God is nothing more than a politician.