Creator (Job 38:1-40:5)

The work of creation is one of the greatest evidences of God’s power. He uses it here to help Job understand how great the Almighty One is.

Many of us take God’s creation for granted and have lost sight of the magnitude of what God did. Mankind has become quite skilled at creating different things from automobiles to computers; we can make some pretty amazing stuff. However, no one has ever created something ex nihilo, or ‘out of nothing’ as God did. It is not as though God brought together the raw materials of the universe and followed the instruction manual. No, he simply spoke things into existence. His creative power is beyond all that we can imagine. “In the beginning God created…” (Gen. 1:1). God has always existed. We may not be able to fully comprehend this, and we certainly cannot create ex nihilo, but we can accept it and believe just as Job did (40:3-5).