Do you fear Jesus?

I know that it may sound like a strange question, but I think that it is a valid one for many people. I was reading Matthew 28 this morning and just was struck by how much fear and trepidation there was in the disciples, soldiers, and Jewish religious leaders. I wonder if there is that much fear about Jesus today.

Now I am not talking about old school, Old Testament fear of God that you might first think of, but I am more thinking about fear of who Jesus really is and what that actually means for us. Yes you might say at first that because Jesus loves us so much what do we actually have to be afriad of. But I want you to take a step back and think about what it would actually mean if we lived the way Jesus called us to lived. If we actually allowed the reality of who Jesus is and what he did for us to influence our lives how radically different would life be (That's right I said radically). Many of us professing Christians sing songs about how we are going to live for Jesus and we talk a lot about how we are going to live for Jesus but I think sometimes we don't really follow through on it because we are afraid.

Here are five things I think that people are afraid of when it comes to following Jesus:

1) We are afraid that we won't get to do the things that we think that we really enjoy, things that give us the greatest amount of pleasure becuase we think Jesus is boring and God doesn't want us to have any fun.

2) We are afraid of losing control of our lives because we question whether an all-loving and all-knowing God could really have what is best for us. Honestly, how many of you have made life altering decisions because of what God has called you to do? I hope you have.

3) We are afraid that we wont get the stuff we want, because when it comes right down to it we have bought into the lie that our true value is based on the stuff that we have.

4) We are afraid that we will lose friends or relationships that we value. Ouch! This one is tougher to criticize but again if we have defined our value based on our relationships then we really aren't in those relationships for the right reason. You are actually using those people because of how you feel about yourself because they are your friend/lover. To truly love and be loved we have to first give up our rights and enter into to relationship to recieve nothing back, and to give everything that we have.

5) We are afraid that people will think that we are just down right wierd. I know some people who are convinced that you have to talk, walk, dress, and eat differently in order to have it in with God. Whatever. Jesus said it isn't about what you eat/drink, wear, or do that makes you right with God, it is about putting your faith/trust in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who died for your sins.

The Bible tells us that perfect love casts out fear. You have to be willing to receive God's love (you are loveable, God says so) and then you will realize that you really do have nothing to fear when you embrace the life that God has for you.




Dave Miller said...

How about number 6.

If we really fear Jesus, we'll have to face those areas in our lives that really need cleaning up, but that we strive to keep hidden.

Think Bob Munger's "My Heart. Christ's Home."

That is probably the toughest area for me personally.

Dave Miller said...

FYI, I linked you to my newest post.

Pastor David Curtis said...

Thanks Dave, that would be a good addition. I should have noted on the post that the five I put were not exhausitve.

I would love to hear others suggestions about what they would have included in the list.