The Next Generation (Judges 1:1 - 3:30)

(Because devotionals didn't get posted over the Labor Day weekend, this is the first of two devotionals for today)

I do not know a great deal about my ethnic heritage. In recent years my mother has become involved in much genealogical research which has provided limited knowledge. Now I know that my heritage is mainly European, but somewhere down the line the distinctiveness of that European heritage was lost. Now I don’t think this was intentional, it simply wasn’t handed down or taught to the next generation. The simple truth is that, if someone living as a foreigner doesn’t teach their culture to the next generation, then it will be lost.

Remembering that we are living as aliens in this world, it is imperative that we teach our faith to the next generation. According to Judges 2:10, Israel failed to do so, in spite of the command Moses had given them in Deuteronomy 6:1-9.

So what are you doing to ensure that our faith is not lost and the next generation is not absorbed into the rest of the culture? Tell your story; tell of what God has done for you. Don’t leave it to someone else. Don’t let the next generation forget what a mighty God we serve.