Integrity Restored (1 Samuel 9-12)

In 1 Samuel 8:6-9 the Lord reveals to Samuel that Israel was ultimately rejecting God Himself by asking for a king. In 12:16-19 Samuel reminds the people of their wrongdoing in asking for a king and then uses a sign to reveal to them the level of God’s anger.

Certainly the people did wrong in asking for a king. But Samuel makes it clear that God had not abandoned them as a result of their wickedness. Rather Samuel shared with them that God was willing to restore the integrity of the nation; “…make sure now that you worship the LORD with all your heart and that you don’t turn your back on Him in any way…The Lord will not abandon His chosen people” (12:20b, 22a).

The same God that called Israel back and restored the integrity of the nation is the same God that we serve today. So, readers take courage that all is not lost when your integrity is compromised. The invitation to return to following the LORD is there for us the same way it was for Israel. Are you willing to humble yourself and return to following God so He can restore your integrity?