Teenage affluenza is spreading fast.

This video is a good wake up call to all of us who have never really known what it is to be in need or to go without.

Our youth group just got done doing the 30 hour famine and i would encourage anyone to check out www.30hourfamine.org to learn more about making the difference in the lives of children around the world

The only cure for affluenza is to give of yourself and your resources.


Diana said...

I remember thinking when we watched this video for the first time at the Famine that none of the kids in the video were living the life that God intended. What I struggle with the most is where we find balance, especially when we live in such radically different worlds.

Pastor David Curtis said...

Good point Diana. Keep on striving for balance. Actually maybe it would be best if the scales were tipped towards living sacrificially. Of course our concept of that is so influenced by what we have grown up with. Like for me to think that life without cable TV is living sacrificially is so lame. But sometimes it feels that way.