How to increase graciousness in your life

I received a great question from someone on Sunday in regard to level of graciousness in their life. It came from a brother who loves Jesus and yet recognizes that in his life he does not demonstrate the level of graciousness that he desires to demonstrate. I think many of us can relate with this so I started a list of simple (and not so simple) things that each of us can do to increase the level of graciousness in our lives. These are in no certain order. Please comment on what you would include on this list.

Ways to increase graciousness:

1. Buy a stranger a cup of coffee next time you are in Starbucks.
2. Buy everyone in line at Starbucks a cup of coffee.
3. Spend a Saturday serving someone who cannot repay you.
4. Serve a mean at a local homeless shelter or soup kitchen.
5. Buy a single mother some groceries or diapers.
6. Ask five people you know how you can pray for them, then do it and follow up and ask how they are doing.
7. Deliver meals to shut ins.
8. Volunteer at a nursing home.
9. Volunteer at a hospital for terminally ill children.
10. Buy a stranger a tank of gas.
11. Give blood.
12. Mow you neighbors yard when they are at work.
13. Shovel your neighbors driveway next time it snows.
14. Tell a service employee 'thank you' next time they serve you.

What would you add?


Dave Miller said...

Try this... if you live in an area where there are toll roads or bridges, when you go through the booth, pay for the car behind you too.

You'll blow both the person in the car and the toll operator away.