Back 2 School

Today I spent my lunch at the local High School here on the Long Beach Peninsula. For those of you who haven't heard we unfortunately had a student commit suicide earlier this week. He was well liked and active in the student body so there are many who are struggling to deal with this news.

For me (not that it is all about me, but hey it is my blog) it was a strange experience on Monday and then today again stepping foot onto that campus hardly knowing a soul. Today was awkward at moments and I heard a few whispers behind my back after having talked to some students but hey little ventured, little gained. It just always amazes me at the teen subculture that goes on in the schools. I know that I went through that but it was just so long ago that witnessing it now is like studying a new culture as an anthropologist.

Anyway, just thought I might share a little from my experience of going back to school today and to ask all of you who read this blog to be in prayer for the family and for our community. The memorial service is on Sunday and there is a suicide prevention assembly at the high school the following day that I will take part in as well. God is good and the silver lining is that there are many ministry opportunities opening up out of the this tragedy.