Matthew West - The Motions

This is a great story about how Matthew West went through surgery on his vocal chords and came through it with a whole new perspective on life.

First Church of the Elks Lodge

This last Sunday our Sunday School class had a discussion about fellowship as a part or the 201 Discovering Spiritual Maturity class. As a part of that discussion I made the point that our fellowship as Christians, as the Body of Christ, should be qualitatively different that the fellowship of the local social or service clubs such as Eagles, Rotary, Elks, etc.

Before I continue I want to make a few things clear; I am not advocating that we pattern the way the church works after a social club, not I am saying that believers cannot be involved in these clubs. In fact I believe that we should be involved with groups outside of the church as a part of missional living.

So what am I saying here. What I am saying is that if our fellowship (relationships, community) is not qualitatively different than that of a social or service club, then we are not really functioning as the Body of Christ. If our relationships are not marked by a willingness to forgive and extend mercy and grace then why would anyone want to be a part of our community? If our faith in Christ does not lead to change in the way in which we interact, then what good is our faith for. If someone wants to go somewhere just to be accepted and make friends then they don't need the church for that.

What are ways in which you have been blessed by Christian Fellowship?

Do you see relationships in the church as deeper and more meaningful?

Are you able to be real with brothers and sisters in Christ?

How do you think Christian fellowship should be different than relationships within the world?
